


Signs from God. The Messiah comes. We have the end of the World.

Signs from God. The Messiah comes. We have the end of the World and already 3th World war. The Mankind faces the Doom and as well the biggest ever experienced Holocaust. Each second Human being ends up in the Pond of Fire. If the Messiah is not coming now (Jesus Christ, Son of God, King of the Jews), God will come as Devil-and Germany brought the entire Mankind into Hell. Owing to the Brandenburger Nazi gate in Berlin every Human will be punished as hard as Adolf Hitler. That means Hell forever:Final Solution (Endlösung)
Everyone who doesn't call Mankind into Paradise has got at least the same much Guilt and Dirt at putting like Adolf Hitler an will be punished just as hard. The USA was sworn in to the Bible and is liable with the Final Solution (Endlösung) Death on the Cross forever-
The one who supports Whole sole murderers and Traitors- like especially the USA and other Countries did towards Germany-will be executed as Wholesale murderers and Traitors and sent to the Pond of Fire. Laughing Third Persons are even hardest punished by God.

Jesus Christ is a Diamond,is our Redeemer-can release us from the Guilt and save entire Mankind from Downfall. You must get yourself the Diamond. Other wisely you may never enter Gods Kingdom. The Diamond is more prescious than all Wealth af the World-And this Earth will leave Lucifers Kingdom ,the Evils Outer Space Hell Because Earth belongs to God,and Man is Gods Image-Words are stronger than all Weapons of the World- The Word remains. Then the Earth and Heaven are already gone.
The Messiahs comes only if the Gospel is spread Worldwide and we have got a Rid of the forbidden Apple tree with the Snake. And all Christians which pay Homage to the Lord and fulfill God`s Will can enter Paradise forever and step to Gods Glory. Signs from God is for everybody the last Key to Paradise, and thus very prescious-not to pay with Money and the last Path to Paradise for the entire Mankind.
The Brandenburger Nazi gate in Berlin is the Hell gate of Mankind and must be pulled down immediately.

Germany turned withe the Brandenburger Nazi gate Got to Devil-Germany is therefore Nation of Kain and High Treason and brought the entire Mankind into Doom.
Germany has got the World power to bring the entire Mankind into Hell, if there is no penalty fer the second World war and the Brandenburger Nazi gate in Berlin continues to be there.
Since the USA bombed the Cradle of Mankind (The Gulf war USA and Irak),is the entire Mankind condemned to Hell.When God`s Children are getting bombed,pays the Mankind with the Eternal Penalty. That includes also the USA. The Irak is the Cradle of  Mankind,  Tigris Euphrat the Beginning of the Bible. Adam and Eve. The one who`s the World power Number 1- as it happens to the USA-has got the Main Responsibility for the whole Mankind and is liable now even with the Final Solution. Death at the Cross- Hell forever.
If the USA belief that they could make War on their own account- then they have to count with the eternal Punishment. The USA bombed once before the Cradle of Mankind (1991 Irak) and is already condemned to Hell. But for to make a War needs the USA the Permission of God himself. Which will never be granted.

Deutschland hat den ganzen Osten verheizt verraten und verkauft. Sogar die eigenen Leute. Schlesien Pommern Ostpreußen. Der ehemaligen Kornkammer Deutschlands. Wer so was macht vergast auch kleine Kinder. Die Oder Neiße Mauer beweist den Hochverrat an über 200 Millionen Menschen. Ein gigantisches Verbrechen. Noch dazu hat Deutschland aus einem Sieg für das Christentum ein Sieg für Nazischweine Verbrecher Zuhälter usw. gemacht. Die Kinder Gottes die Christen sind dabei restlos betrogen worden.

Sign from God is no Advertising,but a Message and is reputed for entire Mankind. Jesus Christ-a Diamond- is our Redeemer, can release us from the Guilt and save Mankind from the Fall!
Germany has got the World power to bring the entire Mankind into Hell if the Brandenburger Nazi gate in Berlin is not pulled down immediately and if there will hot be atoned for the second World war. The USA must be careful that they don't come into Hell completely in because the reunion of Nazi-Germany. Who Protects Wholesale murderers and High Traitors like the USA did for Decades, will be executed as Wholesale murderer and as one guilty of High Treason and ends vp in the Pand of Fire. The USA raised Nazi-Germany and is liable now for the reunited Nazi-Germany. Germany made and Oath to God and the Leader of the Nazis. That means everything what Germany does falls back to God-Germany caused with that its own Sentence. Which is Death on the Cross and Hell forever. That is new reputed even for entire Mankind. If it world be vp to Germany the Mankind World be in Hell already and lost forever. Hence The Mankind must be called now into Paradise. Before a War even takes Place. Anything else means Wholesale murder and High Treason. The condemnation for that is Hell forever.
The USA have got now the Main responsibility for the entire Mankind, and with it also for Germany. The one with the biggest Power must also account for it to God. So the USA is liable for the Final Solution Death on the Cross Hell forever. Jesus Christ is a Diamond,is our Redeemer-can release us from the Guilt and save entire Mankind from Downfall.

The Blind ones lead the Blind ones and all of you will fall into the Black Hole, into the eternal Fire. Final Solution (Endloesung) The Earth is not ruled by God,but by Satan who wants to see the entire Mankind in Hell.

Deutschland hat die Weltmacht die ganze Menschheit in die Hölle zu bringen und muß daher sofort dem Gericht Gottes unterstellt werden. Wenn Deutschland jetzt nicht sühnt und das Brandenburger Nazitor in Berlin stehen bleibt muss die ganze Menschheit untergehen.

Sign from God is the last Key to Paradise and has to be spread Worldwide,becouse Mankind faces the last Judgement and is threatened to leave the Earth.Sign from God is the Salvation.
